Points to consider before going into any relationship


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Points to consider before going into any relationship

* Have a purpose in that relationship:.

Before you say hi to any girl or accepts a man, ask yourself first, what do you want in that relationship? is it sex? or do you want a life partner ? or do you want both from the same person, or do you just want friends. “Points to consider before going into any relationship”

this can help you avoid the issue of he raped me or she refused me sex, when you have made up your mind on what you want from a relationship ,then you can know the kind of person to accept and this can help you have a happy relationship.

“Points to consider before going into any relationship”

For example if you decided to have a No sex relationship then you can then know that if he asks you for sex ,you will have no choice than to leave him, It will be very bad if you starts giving him sex and after sometimes you stop , this may spoil your relationship. so what am trying to say is that you should make up your mind on what your relationship will be like, you should be able to answer these questions to help you avoid a regretful relationship.

1. Is this our relationship aiming for marriage? if yes work towards it ..
2. Is this our relationship just for friendship? If yes ,then limit how you associate with each other.. .
3. Can I have sex with him/her anytime he wants? if No ,then don’t start it at first.. .

I believe after answering you will then know how to make your relationship successful.

* Are You Ready ?:.

This is the first question to ask yourself, before you say hi as a man to any girl, check your “STATUS” to know if your ready for girls at that time, and as a girl ,also check yours to know if your also ready before accepting,.

“Points to consider before going into any relationship”

people makes mistakes of going into a relationship with one or even many girls/boys when they know that they’re still battling with school, Job,money etc, and will at the end become heart broken .

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Am not saying that as a student or a hustler or whatever, that you shouldn’t be in a relationship, No, what I mean is that ,check your class and get the the right person that can fit in your environment, and may even help you achieve your goals,.
you cannot be a hustling serious student and still be in a relationship with a party-minded person or person with an extravagant life,such a person will only pull down your dreams and leave you heart broken, so choose wisely..

* Can you marry your partner? :.

If your answer to this question is yes, then there’s likely that you and your partner will make a beautiful and happy relationship,.

you saying yes to this question does not mean you must marry your partner, its just a question you can ask yourself to know the extent of your love for someone, because some people just jump into a relationship because their boyfriend is rich or because their girlfriend has seductive sexy curves when they know that they don’t really love them and at the end ,it’s either that they breaks up or someone will live unhappy with an unwanted spouse.

Points to consider before going into any relationship

* Where’s he/she from? :.

And also consider her tribe ,where she comes from, is it a place where your parents will reject when marriage reach?, can you marry from that tribe? For example, an Igbo guy dating an Hausa girl, ask yourself, apart from that your girlfriend, will you be happy to marry from Hausa?

You should consider these questions first before even saying hi to the girl because love is blind,you may not like her tribe but maybe after sometime you may fall in love with her and then won’t mind marrying her and at the end,you may discover how incompatible the two of you are, that’s one of the causes of divorce.

That’s why some parents always refuses when their children decides to marry from another tribe. But if you have no problem with marrying from other tribes, then your free to make friends or date people from other tribes.

“Points to consider before going into any relationship”

Here are some mistakes which may lead you to break UP’s in a relationship
*You entered into a relationship which you know your not ready to have

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* You fall in love to your partner because of what he/she has and not because of who they are .

* Lack of understanding :.

misunderstandings can go a long way as to making you hate your partner which can destroy your relationship, so therefore try to know your partner,

Know what makes him/her happy and also what makes them sad so you can avoid it earlier.

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